Wednesday, June 23, 2010

hot summer weather and cool new art dolls

it is sweltering hot here in scenic city chattanooga hundred degrees yesterday...almost to hot to move...but instead to sit inside under the cool air and sculpt has been my plan...and mostly that is what i've done...oh of course i've been out to weed and water the garden that is growing just beautifully this year and to take my morning walk with my little dog co-co and we've had two cook less than a just tastes better off a grill i think...i also recently ordered a sculpey clay machine on line from joannes fabric and have been teaching myself to make canes...this is a slow and tedious project and takes much more pacience than my doll making....just yesterday though i did manage to make over one hundred and twenty beads...not to bad for a beginner in caning but i  definitly need to practice....but today i'm ready to move on to other halloween art dolls...i miss making spooky creepy little dolls..those are my favorite and the mood has struck me to make a today that is my focus....what creative little thingsa are ya'll doing in your neck of the woods?? dolls? jewelry?  any thing creative is good...i think gardening can be a form of creativity too...any thing one does to chanel beauty or inspiration into the world is art to are a few photos of my creativity......i've not named either of these dolls yet for some reason...i usually will think of their named towards the end of sculpting them but not this time...but each doll is just under ten inches and the one in purple has pose able arms...while the other is a full sculpt...i didn't like her stockings as they don't seem to go with her outfit so i think i'll be changing that...also she has pierced ears so i'll be adding her earrings just as soon as i make them...

now the canes i've been working on...definitly need improving but for a beginner i'm not complaining...these haven't been cured yet and still need holes put into them to string them up later...but here they are...what do you think? well thats what i've been up now its time to begin another project while these bake...and when they have cooled off i'll turn them into lovely pieces of summer jewelry to add to my etsy shop...    have a great day bloggers...hugs...christen

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Landed here via Goddess Dolls group. Love your work and just became a new Follower. You especially got my attention with the Queen of Hearts doll on the group, I don't see it here. I do like your two dolls here as well, and I really like the stockings with her outfit! Now, about making canes, I've never tried that. I sculpt some of my dolls' faces with polymer, so I'm familiar with working with clay, and this looks like fun. Uh oh, more supplies in my future perhaps. ;)



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